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Lindsay J.

I’ve been battling patellar tendinitis for over two years and I’ve seen a huge improvement since I started shockwave treatment after my progress had plateaued for nearly a year. After three sessions, my knee strength has improved to a level that couldn’t be reached with two years of physio treatments. It has been a great experience and I wish I had known about the treatment earlier- I didn’t find out until two days before my first session and it would have been worth the four hour drive to get it done. I’m very grateful that Dr. Harris was able to come to the small community of Nelson, BC to provide local patients with big-city level care. Dr. Harris is very skilled at what he does and I want to thank him for kick-starting my healing process. Sports are a big part of my life and having my injury healed will allow me to push my performance to the next level without constantly worrying that I will cause more damage. I’ve had to modify my lifestyle to make it work for my knee and now I can live my life the way I want to. Thanks for giving me my life back!