Since 2001, I have been unable to walk for any more than 45 minutes to an hour, or put constant pressure on the ball of my right foot. In the last 9 years, I have been to 2 Podiatrists and have been prescribed different insteps supposedly to correct the problem to no avail. My husband noticed that Dr. Harris’ practice was offering a new treatment for Musculoskeletal Conditions, a problem I felt I had. I made an appointment right away to have a consultation, with Dr. Harris, who examined my foot and felt that the treatment would definitely help me.
I began Extracorporeal Shockwave Treatment right away, and after the first session I was able to hike on a camping trip we left for the next day. After the first hour I had a little trouble, but it went away quickly, and was able to continue on. After the second treatment a week later, the improvement was amazing. I could walk and be on my feet all day with very few symptoms, but certainly nothing to slow me down. I received another treatment and still more improvement. I really feel like I am back to normal! I have not been able to walk or be as active as I now am in over 8 years; the change is absolutely remarkable. I would recommend the Extracorporeal Shockwave Treatment to anyone, as its done wonders for me.